The DRO Program powered by Ocean is promoting a digital referral standardization approach to deliver value to providers early while addressing core referral workflow issues.
The DRO program is supporting the eReferral creation by speciality area through Specialty Working Groups (SWGs), whose members:
- Provide clinically rooted direction-setting
- Define build requirements, design, and development for provincial digital referrals
- Are comprised of subject matter experts (SMEs) from both the sending and receiving side of the speciality referral and their office assistants
- Can articulate their needs, offer workflow insight, formulate usability considerations
- Evaluate the build prior to release into production
The Doctors of BC are supporting the identification of physicians to these working groups and will also cover all sessional fees for participating for DoBC members.
Over time, the DRO program will develop a repository of digital referrals that embody the same look and feel and take advantage of the full capability of the Ocean functionality.
Digital referrals will be maintained by the DRO Team to ensure they are up to date.