The Provincial Laboratory Medicine Services (PLMS) discipline of anatomical pathology stewards the development and delivery of anatomical pathology services in British Columbia.
We achieve this by collaborating with PLMS, the health authorities, private laboratory partners, and the Ministry of Health.
The committee provides expert advice within the context of provincial acute- and community-based service delivery. The committee takes into account safety, appropriateness, effectiveness, legal, social, ethical, and workflow/service delivery impacts for their respective disciplines, as well as the priorities of PLMS, the health authorities and the Ministry of Health.
The committee:
- Creates a work plan that aligns with and supports the implementation of the PLMS Strategic Service Delivery Plan/Roadmap.
- Reviews, evaluates, and makes evidence-based assessments for test and/or guideline inclusion, removal, modification or replacement; taking into consideration Guideline and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) priorities, environmental impact and the Choosing Labs Wisely initiative as appropriate.
- Reviews relevant laboratory-related guidelines, and provides feedback about their clinical and operational impact on laboratories.
- Receives and responds to specific requests for test review/assessment using stringent evaluation criteria and expert consultation. Advises on the medical necessity (clinical validity and utility) of the test, the analytical validity, and service delivery model options that take into consideration expected volumes and the distribution of patients within B.C. (i.e. centralized/de-centralized).
- Provides advice on urgent clinical, technical, operational, and quality assurance needs.
- Identifies and fosters discussions on operational and technical quality improvement, utilization/stewardship, environmental sustainability, optimization, and innovation opportunities within the discipline to ensure a coordinated provincial delivery approach.
- Performs environmental scans of the evolving nature of testing, its impact on patient care, and the interests of multiple stakeholders.
- Provides advice for appropriate testing platforms and technology within the discipline.
- Acts as ambassadors to increase awareness of PLMS.
- Dr. Lik Hang Lee, medical lead and co-chair
- Brigette Rabel, strategic lead and co-chair
- Dr. Shane Kirby, VCH
- Dr. Aylin Sar, VCH
- Dr. Gang Wang, PHSA
- Dr. Jefferson Terry, PHSA
- Dr. Sergey Pyatibrat, FH
- Dr. Simpal Gill, FH
- Dr. Francis Shih, FH
- Dr. Joyce Leo, VIHA
- Dr. Catalin Taraboanta, IHA
- Dr. Oana Popescu, IHA
- Dr. Kamran Azar, NH
- Margaret Luk, VCH
- Rebecca Chan, VCH
- Bobby Grewal, PHC
- Theresa Sturby, PHSA
- Henry Ng, PHSA
- David Lim, FH
- Janice Ziegenhagel, VIHA
- Jennifer Yaholnitsky, IHA
- Helen Purslow, NH
- Rebecca Watt, MoH
For questions about this committee, please email: or