Facilities experiencing a temporary interruption to regular operations, planned or unplanned, are required, under the terms of the Laboratory Services Act and its regulations, to report the disruption to PLMS.
Foreseeable or planned disruptions must be reported thirty (30) days prior to the start of the disruption or a soon as they become known. Unforeseeable disruptions must be reported no later than two (2) business days after the disruption occurred or began.
Operators must work to resolve service interruptions as quickly as possible. However, depending on the severity of the disruption, PLMS may initially give operators a period of up to 90 days to resolve the issue. If the disruption continues after those 90 days, we may grant an extension. During the extension period, laboratory operators must work with PLMS to develop a strategy to resolve the issue and ensure continuity of services.
You can report disruptions using the Notification form (see "Supporting documents" below). This form reports the extent and anticipated duration of the disruption, actions taken to resolve the disruption, and mitigation plans to ensure access to alternate services and minimize impacts to patient care. PLMS may request additional information to assess the level of impact to patient access and quality of services.
Laboratory operators must provide reasonable communication to patients and practitioners about the anticipated duration of the disruption and alternative services to ensure community awareness and continuity of services.
You must complete a review of the disruption, including steps taken to resolve it and prevent reoccurrence, and send it to PLMS within 30 days of the resolution.
Please submit forms via the secure upload tool.