Some Health Research BC applications require a 'Department Head Form' and a 'Dean Form'. These requirements are based on traditional academic research tracks at universities and have prompted clarification in the health authority setting.
When PHSA is the host institution, these forms should be submitted by PHSA department heads and leaders. Which PHSA leader is most appropriate to provide the forms you need depends on whether you are a clinician and whether you are applying for a salary award. You are strongly encouraged to provide those completing forms with a draft form with key communication points about your research proposal.
Forms must be submitted via Health Research BC's ApplyNet system. Please note that some clinical department heads may not have ApplyNet accounts. If your department head requires assistance, they are asked contact their local research services office.
If you are a clinician and the award to which you are applying includes funding for your salary (i.e. salary award), your Department Head Form must be completed by your clinical department head within PHSA or BC Cancer. Your form must explicitly address the impact on service that will result if you are successful in your application, and how clinical service levels will be maintained.
If you are not a clinician or you are applying to a non-salary award, your Department Head Form can either be completed by your PHSA or BC Cancer research program department head or clinical department head (if applicable).
At PHSA, the following leaders are the appropriate individuals to provide a "Dean Form":
BC Cancer: Vice President of Research
BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) Executive Director
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre: Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) Executive Director
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services: BCMHSUS Research Executive Director
BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC): BCCDC Executive Medical Director
For other PHSA programs, please contact PHSA Research and Academic Services for guidance
If your host institution is BC Cancer, you must complete a 'Signature Cover Sheet' signed by your principal investigator and department head. This must be submitted to BC Cancer’s Office of Research Administration (ORA) prior to completing the full application. Please direct questions to
Karen Hagan and
Jillian McKenna from BC Cancer’s Office of Research Administration.