Facility Medical Staff Bylaws, PHSA Rules and policies apply to all Medical Staff practising within a PHSA facility. All Medical Staff agree to abide by the bylaws and rules before working at PHSA.
Hospital care in the province of BC is governed under the Hospital Act. This provincial legislation outlines the requirements of hospitals.
The Bylaws outline the Board and Medical Staff responsibilities, relationships and obligations for patient care, as well as conditions for Medical Staff serving within PHSA.
The Rules provide further details of the organization of the Medical Staff and the
day-to-day processes by which they provide care.
The Medical Staff Rules refresh process began in May 2024 and has involved multiple rounds of review and revisions, with input from the Oversight Committee, Local Medical Advisory Committees, and the Medical Staff Association Presidents Council. The updated draft Rules are now available for review by all medical staff before they go to HAMAC and the Board for final approval. Any comments or questions can be directed to Dr. Tamara Shenkier and/or Candice Manahan by February 28, 2025.
Key updates include:
Final submission to Board for approval March 14, 2025. Implementation of the new Rules is anticipated for April 2025.