Is this program CAMPEP accredited?
This is a CAMPEP-accredited program. The diagnostic imaging stream was accredited in 2021 and the nuclear medicine stream was provisionally accredited in 2021.
How many residents have graduated from this program?
Since 2010, seven physicists have obtained certification through this program (either CCPM or ABR).
How long is the program?
The program is two years long, the minimum requirement for certification.
When is the start date?
Residency typically starts in the first full week of July and must start by the end of August to be board-eligible.
Can I start in a different month?
It may be possible; however, the start date has been selected so residents can obtain sufficient experience to write the American Board Exams. Two years of minimum clinical experience is required for this.
What does the program cover?
Review an example of the program outline (PDF).
Who do I contact for more information?
Please visit the CAMPEP program site for contact information.