Clinical Practice Resources
This document aims to describe the levels of care required for critically ill patients according to their clinical needs, regardless of patient location. The ensuing descriptions align with other jurisdictions and literature. While acuity and complexity should be considered when analyzing patient care needs, those terms are combined for simplicity and are referred to as 'Levels of Adult Critical Care'.
For any questions about this document or how the data is being collected and/or used, please reach out to Sybil Hoiss, CCBC Lead, Clinical Initiatives and Innovation at
Critical Care BC (CCBC) would like to draw attention to key resources available to health care disciplines in BC. Learn more here.
Pediatric Critical Care in British Columbia | CHBC (
Provincial Emergency Fleet is a provincially owned stockpile of medical devices intended to help hospitals manage unexpected increases in demand for critical care resources. Regional Health Authorities can request these medical devices from the provincial stockpile for support during temporary periods when resources are insufficient or not available.
Medical equipment include:
- Mechanical ventilators
- High-flow oxygen
- Physiological monitor
- Humidifier
- Oxygen concentrators
Regional hospital authorities can submit requests for assistance from the Provincial Emergency Fleet.
These Post Sepsis Syndrome pamphlets and leaflets provide support for those recovering from sepsis. They should be reviewed with every sepsis survivor and their families upon discharge from critical care. They help patients, caregivers, and families know how to prevent re-infection and detect deterioration after recovery. Helpful links to valuable resources in BC and globally are included. Blank space has been left so sites can add in local support resources for follow-up care. These pamphlets and leaflets were created with the Patient Advisory Council of Action on Sepsis at UBC, in partnership with the BC Sepsis network.
Greater Vancouver
Outside the Lower Mainland
Provincial Clinical Practice Guidelines
BCCDC is working with provincial and federal partners on surveillance, diagnostic testing, infection control and vaccination for COVID-19. Please visit BCCDC COVID-19 Care on information for health care professionals and public health partners.